HOW TO PLAY WITH YOUR BILLAGOTCHI! Raise your Billagotchi from an egg to see what kind of man he will become! You must pay attention to his needs so he will grow up to be the best Billagotchi he can be! Be careful not to let him go bankrupt and die! Minutes of fun! Soon after starting Winblows 98, your Billagotchi will hatch from its egg. That's when the fun begins! Attention: If Billagotchi is throwing a tantrum, he needs your attention. Check his statistics to see what he needs: is he hungry for money, does he want you to play with him, or is he sick and needs medicine? Or, does he simply need to be disciplined? Stats Icon (Graph): if Billagotchi doesn't have enough dollar signs, he is money-hungry and needs some income! If he has too many empty hearts, he is unhappy and needs you to talk to him. And if the bottom graph is low, Billagotchi needs to be strictly disciplined! Food Icon ("$"): Feed Billagotchi money when he is hungry! Click as many times as you need to fill up his bank account. Clean Up Icon (Trash Can): If Billagotchi is standing in a smelly pile of his software "releases", you need to clean him up before he gets sick! Click this icon to throw away the junk! Medicine Icon (Babe): If Billagotchi is lying down sick in his own waste, you need to give him medicine to make him feel better. This medicine goes down easy! Play Icon (Speak): Play with Billagotchi! After you click the Play button, you can type in a question on the Billagotchi screen. Ask any question! See what he says if you ask a personal question, or if you swear at him! Discipline Icon (Whip): If Billagotchi is calling for attention for no reason, or if he refuses food when he is hungry, or refuses to talk to you when he is unhappy, he needs to be disciplined! Click this icon to play Justice Department and administer a good spanking. Info Icon ("i"): You silly Billy! You already know what this icon is for! If you pay attention to your Billagotchi and give him what he needs throughout your Microshaft experience, watch him change into…?! If you ignore him, though, he may die, or simply turn into something a lot less desirable. (If your Billagotchi dies, you can ressurect him by clicking on the dead Billagotchi. But you may want to give some serious thought as to whether you can handle the responsibility.)